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2020-10-08 10:12作者:admin 来源:网络


About the author: Ouyang Zhongshi, a famous cultural scholar, calligrapher and calligraphy educator. In his early years, he worshipped under the door of Peking Opera master Xi Xiaobo. He is currently a professor and doctoral supervisor of Capital Normal University, director of the Institute of Chinese Calligraphy and Culture, and honorary curator of Beijing Tangfeng Art Museum.


As a well-known calligrapher at home and abroad, Ouyang Zhongshi has the style of a rigorous university scholar and great calligrapher. He is cautious about learning from the ancients and his own innovation. He taught his students to actively learn from the ancients, to go deep into the essence of tradition, to have an active exploration spirit in learning calligraphy, to learn to in-depth research, to have the spirit of assiduous research, and to study and study the ancients in a solid manner can they gradually Improve yourself. He warned them to "know what it is, why it is, and ask it to be true", to be able to enter the depths of history to explore its inner spirit, and to be able to observe history and observe the present. He believes that the reason for learning the essence of tradition-"orthodox" is because "orthodox" is the most vital part of tradition. He also pointed out that calligraphy is not an "independent" art, it is an organic part of Chinese traditional culture, and it is a subject of learning. Therefore, when learning calligraphy, one cannot learn calligraphy independently from Chinese culture. Calligraphy must be broad and profound. To study and research in the Chinese culture.

The reason why Ouyang Zhongshi’s calligraphy works are collected by museums, collectors, and calligraphy lovers at home and abroad, is that he is not just a famous calligrapher—he is involved in logic, Chinese teaching and research, drama research, etc. There are also higher achievements. His pragmatic research and rigorous academic research are the current era and his dedication to Chinese calligraphy culture and education. He has made him an expert in contemporary calligraphy education. At the same time, he has also achieved his perfect calligraphy art, as well as his ancient and ancient methods. Chasing the Qin, Han, Wei and Jin Dynasties, casting the essence of the famous masters of the past dynasties, learning from the past, is a unique style of writing.

For calligraphy, Lao Ouyang, including Zhou Jinhan stone, Jin Tie Beibei, Tang Xian, Song Zhe, and even the Ming and Qing dynasties, he has studied, learned from others, and returned to the two kings, forming a unique and elegant style. This calligraphy work, The recorded content is Mao Zedong's "Qinyuanchun". The entire calligraphy work is huge in size and majestic. The fonts are agile and flutter, and change in every aspect. Write calmly and tactfully. Between the opening and closing, it is easy to do.

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