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2020-06-18 12:18作者:admin 来源:网络



The "wen" ticket, also known as the "wen" word stamp, is a product of China's "Cultural Revolution" and a materialized testimony of this special historical period. The "wen" ticket is an unnumbered stamp issued by the new China during the "Cultural Revolution" period. From 1967 to 1970, a total of 19 "wen" stamps (wen 1 to 19) were issued, a total of 80. All of the stamps in Shenyang Philer's loose-leaf positioning booklet are very high-end, which are gifts, investments and collections. The best product.



"Wen" ticket, canceling the previous Chinese stamps, is characterized by the unnumbered that absolutely highlights Mao Zedong and Mao Zedong's instructions, including unissued but out of a total of more than 90 tickets, sample tickets, unissued tickets. Each ticket is closely related to the "Cultural Revolution" led by Mao Zedong. It is a fairly complete history of the "Cultural Revolution" and Mao Zedong's historical records in his later years. It is a treasure sought by the collectors, especially the unissued " The "Four Treasures" headed by "Red" has extremely high collection value and research value.


The "wen" ticket reflects the history of China in a particular period. If the history of the "Cultural Revolution" is counted from 1966 to 1976, but 10 years, the real "wen" votes from Wen 1 to Wen 19, that is, from April 20, 1967 to January 21, 1970, Less than 3 years in total. Compared to the entire postal history, it is only a short moment. Like all collectibles, time has changed. It is very difficult to look back and find the whole history.


The rare things are rare, and the Cultural Revolution stamps are extremely rare. All valuable professionals in the philatelic industry said that the original tickets for the Cultural Revolution stamps were rare because: 1. At that time, the national stamp company was closed, philately activities were banned, and philatelists were afraid to collect stamps. Therefore, the original tickets that were kept intact are very rare. Second, other stamps were not allowed to be sold at that time. The people of the country used the Cultural Revolution stamps to send letters. Almost all stamps were used, that is, they were cancelled, and the original tickets left behind were new. Tickets are very rare. Because of these two points, today's

collection of the original stamps of the "Cultural Revolution" stamps is not ordinary, especially the large collection of original stamps of the "Cultural Revolution" stamps, which is even more impossible for individuals. The cultural relics have the highest value and the deepest historical implication. The stamp of the "Cultural Revolution", the king of China's stamp appreciation, bears a strong imprint of the times. The strong political tendency is extremely rare in the history of Chinese and foreign philately. Cultural Revolution stamps are the most representative of cultural revolution collections, with the highest cultural relic value and the deepest historical implication. The value of the complete set of cultural revolution stamps has attracted worldwide attention and has become the "best collection."



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