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2020-06-06 17:13作者:admin 来源:网络



The commemorative coin of the founding of the six-star Sun Xiaotou in the Republic of China. Diameter: 39mm, weight about 26.9 grams. The founding commemorative coin Sun Xiaotou was cast in the 16th and 17th years of the Republic of China in Nanjing and Tianjin. However, all of them were used in the era of the “Republic of China Commemorative Coins”. The Republic of China's grandchildren's commemorative coin silver dollar, due to the different foundry manufacturers, different casting times, there are two main types of handed down: one is the five-pointed star version, the other is the six-pointed star layout. The characteristic six-pointed star is divided into two major editions: the round word and the round word.


Sun Yat-sen's founding commemorative coin "Hundred Star Silver Dollar is one of the rarest deposits in the world. It can be described as rare. The back "round head" is even rarer. In the past few years, Tibetan friends have learned about Sun Yat-sen's founding commemorative coins, and the silver dollar is less abundant. Friends favored, Tibetan friends' preference for silver coins is mainly attributed to the following three points: First, the production is exquisite, the viewing is strong; Second, the variety is varied, the choice is large; Third, the historical time is short, easy to start, plus the

amount of production Less, and after the end of the Qing Dynasty, the war is frequent, making the loss of silver coins extremely great. These three points have the possibility of long-term investment for collectors.

银币材质珍贵,艺术价值高,由贵重金属或白银合金铸造,制作精美,图案考究,文字清秀,内容丰富,银光灿烂,其貌可人,也具有一定的保值和升值功能。 这枚纪念币呈银白色,其背面中间有“壹圆”字样,”圆“字有出头圆点,存世量极少,两侧为麦穗图案,字上下方各有一行英文字母,英文字母两侧各有一个六角星;纪念币正面中间印孙中山头像,头像上方印字“中华民国”,头像下方印字“开国纪念币”,两字中间各有一幅梅花图案。孙中山开国纪念币当时铸造数量极为有限,特别是此种版类。具有很高的收藏价值。

The silver coin material is precious and has high artistic value. It is made of precious metal or silver alloy. It is exquisitely made, the pattern is exquisite, the text is delicate, the content is rich, the silver is bright, its

appearance is pleasant, and it also has certain value preservation and appreciation function. This commemorative coin is silver-white, with the word "壹圆" in the middle of the back. The word "circle" has a round dot, and there is very little deposit in the world. The two sides are the pattern of wheat ears. There is a line of English letters on the upper and lower sides of the word. There is a hexagonal star on each side; the commemorative coin has a portrait of Sun Yat-sen in the middle of the front, and the word "Republic of China" is printed on the top of the head. The head of the commemorative coin is printed under the head. There is a plum pattern in the middle of the two characters. The number of castings of Sun Yat-sen's founding commemorative coins was extremely limited at the time, especially for this type of edition. Has a high collection value.

开国纪念币是民国元年(1912)南京造币厂根据财政部的命令铸造。此藏品为孙小头开国纪念币上六星,正面中心是孙中山侧面照,上方镌“中华民国”,下镌“开国纪念币”,左右各有长枝梅花图案。背面中心有币值“壹圆”字样,托以嘉禾纹,左右各一枝,每枝一穗叁叶,上侧铸有“MEMENTO”(纪念币)字样,下侧为“BIRTH OF REPUBLIC OF CHINA”(中华民国诞生),左右上方分列六角星图案。

The founding commemorative coin was the first year of the Republic of China (1912). The Nanjing Mint was cast according to the orders of the Ministry of Finance. This collection is a six-star commemorative coin for Sun Xiaotou. The front center is Sun Yat-sen's side view, the top is the "Republic of China", and the lower part of the "opening commemorative coin" has a long branch plum pattern. In the center of the back, there is the value of the currency "Yuanyuan", which is supported by Jiahe pattern, each branch is left and right, each branch is covered with a leaf, the upper side is cast with the words "MEMENTO" (commemorative coin), and the lower side is "BIRTH OF REPUBLIC OF CHINA" ( The Republic of China was born), and the hexagonal star pattern was arranged on the left and right.

此枚孙小头开国纪念币是蔡先生收藏的珍品,银元正面中央镌孙中山侧面肖像,外围双圈 (内一线圈,外珠点圈),边缘上镌中文隶书体“中华民国”4字,下镌中文隶书体“开国纪念币”5字,左右长枝花饰。此枚钱币保存完好,极具收藏价值。


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